As Mungo Jerry says
“I don’t know why, but this feels like summertime”
With the temperatures about to hit the ceiling there will very likely be some realizations in your near future about the RV refrigerators out there.
Those realizations will be that your fridge that seemed to work pretty good in the fall and winter won’t quite make it as the temperature rises. This is because, like all refrigeration, the temperature inside the fridge is based on the temperature outside. A perfectly running ammonia absorption refrigerator will keep a food safe temperature up to approximately 100 degrees Fahrenheit. As those temperatures spike and the increase in humidity hinders the evaporative process even the best running refrigerator will begin to allow temperatures into the mid to high 40s where bacteria loves to breed.
So you can only imagine what that means for an aging unit that has lost a bit of pressure, if you can’t, let me just say… It won’t work out for your intestinal health to store food in that fridge.
If you find yourself in this situation give us a call and get that cooling unit repaired before your toilet regrets it. 🙂